Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas from the Broadbents! I hope each of you has been able to take a few moments amongst the hustle and bustle of purchasing presents, wrapping gifts, and stuffing stockings to remember the true meaning of the season. "For unto us a child is born ... the prince of peace." So here's a special holiday greeting from Wade.
And let's not forget the presents.

The Mouse

Need I say more?
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The Old Apartment

Wade found a little cubby he likes to hide in. It was only a matter of time before he figured that out, because he used to spend hours a day opening and closing the door.

About two weeks ago we packed up all our stuff and drove across the country so I could start my new job. This is my good friend Ryan who helped us pack ALL of our stuff into these two boxes. Hopefully he doesn't mind his picture being on a non-private blog.

And this is Wade, watching his Baby Einstein videos in the back seat of our car somewhere between VA and UT. He learned how to wave, so when I get home from work he waves violently to make sure I know he missed me.

It's Official...

We're moving! After 2 1/2 years of living in Virginia, we are moving back to Utah. Phil took a job with and starts Dec. 1.

Things we will miss about Virginia:
1. Friends
2. Tysons Corner Mall
3. Free Entertainment on the DC Mall/National Monuments
4. Beautiful Seasons/Weather
5. Some great restaurants (The Espositos, Coastal Flats, Silverado, etc.)
6. All the green, green trees everywhere

Things we won't miss about Virginia:
1. Completely unpredictable traffic on I-66
2. Not having our own washer/dryer
3. Somewhat upredictable traffic on I-495
4. Paying way overpriced rent for small, old apartment with moldy walls (and did I mention no washer or dryer?)
5. Not being able to watch the BYU games on tv

We are excited (although probably not as excited as my mom who can not wait to hug Wade again!)


Hope everyone had a spooktacular Halloween!
So we dressed Wade up as Mickey Mouse for Halloween. Yes, I am trying to brainwash my child in preparation for our trip to DisneyWorld in a few weeks. He hated every minute of it! Everyone would get so excited to see him, and he would just pout or cry, like he knew how humiliating this was. I dressed him up to go see Phil at work, but he pouted the whole time...until I took him out of the costume, then he felt much better.

Now that he can crawl and pull himself up on everything, I took him to the playground for a while yesterday. We quite enjoyed ourselves and the beautiful day it was.

100th Entry

100 Entries!

Shortly after returning from Italy I started sending periodic updates of my life to my following, a practice I titled "Phil's Pills". The title came from a website I created even prior to serving a mission in Italy (they were labeled "Epistles" while I was in Italy) on geocities. I labeled it "Phil's Pills" mainly for the rhyming affect.

The earliest recording I have of the Phil's Pills updates being sent out is from my newly created Gmail account dated 10/25/04. These updates were pretty mindless and I can't really blame a portion of my readers who didn't actually read them, but promptly hit the archive/delete button.

This practice continued until Phil's Pills started using a Blog as a medium to reach its readers on 4/18/06, with an entry documenting my niece's new Easter dress. The final emailing of Phil's pills was on 9/30/06, urging readers to visit the blog often.

Since then, Jen and I have taken turns updating the blog with events from our lives. Some of the highlights include moving to Virginia, a documentary about Jen, a trip to Italy, the Wade being born, cherry blossoms in DC, and Wade's first attempt at crawling.

So, Phil's Pills has seen a lot in my life, from finding my beautiful wife,

Jen and me at Virginia Beach, VA
to the birth of my little boy,

Wade and me before we went to workout

Here's to another couple hundred over another couple years!

I love FALL...

I love the fall because of all the yummy food I get to make. This week I have thoroughly neglected all housework to spend time in the kitchen. I decided to put all those apples we picked to good use and make some homemade applesauce, which is actually VERY easy. For those of you that are interested, I peeled, cored and sliced about 12 apples (mixed variety). Put them in a crockpot with about 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of sugar and sprinkled with cinnamon and nutmeg. I let them cook for about 2 hours and then mashed with a potato masher. That's it!
The finished product. It's quite tasty and makes your house smell so good.
I also love pumpkin anything. This is a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip muffins I just pulled out of the oven. Is your mouth watering yet? I found the recipe online here.
Happy Fall everyone!


I wanted to make a tree skirt last year, but never got around to it. I have been needing a project to work on and I thought it would take me a lot longer to do, but here it's not even Halloween and I'm already done. I think it turned out pretty cute considering I didn't have a pattern. Anyone have any suggestions for a new project?

Apple Picking Time

Wade has been telling us that he wanted to go pick some apples for quite some time, so we finally went down to an orchard. Jen got pretty good at picking the good apples.

Jen had packed a lunch so we could have a picnic there in the orchard. Wade had a great time with the fuzzy caterpillars. He told me it reminded him of the story his Mom reads to him before he goes to bed sometimes about the hungry caterpillar.
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Phil and I had some free movie tickets that expired on Saturday so last minute we decided to use them. However, we didn't have time to get a babysitter so Wade had to come along. We didn't want to make anyone mad by bringing our baby to the movies so we decided to go see Igor, seeing as the whole audience would probably be kids anyway. That way, if Wade fussed it wouldn't be a big deal. Wade slept through the entire movie! I wish we would have known that beforehand, because we probably would have picked a better movie. This one was not great.

But we sure love that our baby is such a sweetheart!

Anything For Food...

This is for Wade's Grandmas who don't get to see him very often.

We think it's so funny that he won't budge for anything but food.

Family Visit

Last week my sister Emily and two of her four kids came out to visit us. It was perfect timing because now that school is back in, everything on the mall was practically empty. Here is a picture of Wade and his cousin Logan (even though Wade is bigger, Logan is actually 3 months older). They had a great time playing together. While they were here we saw a Nationals ball game, the Air & Space museum, the Washington Monument, the Bureau of Printing and Engraving (where they print $$$), Mount Vernon, the Capitol, the Natural History museum, the White House and the Lincoln monument....phew. Quite a bit for 2 babies and a 6 year old. Ammon said his favorite parts of the trip were the ball game and all the MarioKart he played on the Wii.

This is Emily in the Capitol with Brigham Young. Thanks to our friend Kaylyn who gave us our own personal tour!

A new family picture.

Wade happened to pick up a cold from his cousin Logan. He has been making this face ever since. We think he is licking the salty snot from his nose, but it is so funny because he looks like an old man.

Besides the flooding we had Saturday from hurricane Hannah, I think everyone had a great week. Thanks for coming out Em, can't wait to see you again in 3 months!

My Little Brother

This summer my little brother came to live in Virginia while he did an internship at Exxon Mobil. We had a great time with him while he was here. Here's a picture of him when he was still my little brother (he's in the middle).

Wade really liked getting to know his Uncle Airmarcus.

Halfway through the summer, he married Amy and brought her out to Virginia.

And they lived happily ever after.

Olympic Scoring?

Is anyone else out there a little ticked at the scoring when it comes to women's gymnastics? I have been so perturbed watching this week. First off, with the individual do you still get a medal IN THE OLYMPICS when you fall on your landing? Oh yeah, that girl was from China, so she had to get a medal. And then, with the uneven bars, you get the EXACT same score but China once again beats out the USA with no explanation??? And come on, who actually thinks those Chinese girls are 16? Does anyone else feel this way?


So who doesn't get excited for football season? On Saturday, we got tickets to go to the Redskins pre-season game. We have been wanting to go to a game for so long, but they are usually on Sundays, so we haven't been able to go. We were very excited to go to this one. Wade even put his Clinton Portis jersey on, what a stud! The Redskins managed to pull off a win 17-14. Hopefully that's a good omen for the rest of the season. Wade also turned 7 months old. He has been sitting up on his own for a few weeks now and loves the freedom to play with his toys.

With the Olympics on, we also broke our streak of not watching TV this summer. We have pretty much been Olympic bums the last few days. Wade gets so worn out watching, he can barely hang on. This is how I found him the other day. Gotta love it!


We have had so much fun hanging out with family this summer. Wade loves it when his Uncle Mark makes him laugh.

3rd Anniversary

For our 3rd anniversary, Phil and I spent a night down at Virginia Beach. We decided to take a trip instead of doing gifts this year. We had fun relaxing on the beach and walking on the boardwalk.

Phil loved the ocean, but it was a little too cold for me.

Wade was lucky enough to stay with his Grandma Broadbent while we were gone. I love being a mom, but it was sure nice to have a short break.

After our return, we got the whole east coast Broadbent club together for Sunday dinner.

Like Father Like Son

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A picture of Wade and myself at approximately the same age.

Great-Grandma Visit

Today my grandma (Wade's Great-Grandma) came into town and we got to show her around Washington D.C. We had a great time going to all the's just too bad it was so hot (at least 96!!). Wade was a trooper in the heat and hardly complained. We also got to go visit Phil's office on our way home. He had fun showing his son off to everyone at work.

Wade also recently turned 6 months old. I am happy to report that his growth has slowed slightly and he is only in the 75% for height and weight now. So happy half-birthday Wade!

Lil' Wade

Hi guys. My Mom and Dad took me on vacation to Utah for the past week or so and right now they're getting ready for my Uncle Mark's reception, so I wanted to take a minute to get myself up into the blog world. I'm not very good at baseball yet, and my Dad hasn't told me all the rules, but I sure am excited to play.


Wade met his cousins Jeff, Laird and Lucy for the first time yesterday. We are excited to have family living so close to us for a little while and can't wait to spend time with them this summer. You can't tell from the picture, but Wade is two months younger than Lucy and at least 3 pounds heavier!