
My entire pregnancy with this last baby was so hard.  I was so sick, and then so hot, and then so miserable.  My last two babies came early on their own, so I was sure this one would too.  But the days kept ticking by and this baby would not come.  I was pretty discouraged, but I had an induction date set for the 15th of August so I knew there was an end in sight.  However, the Sunday before my induction date, the hospital called to tell me that there wasn't any room for me the next day.  Discouragement hit an all new level and I spent a good portion of the morning sobbing on my bed.  

Much to my surprise, when I called the hospital the next morning to double check there was a room available.  We grabbed our bags and ran out the door as fast as we could before they changed their minds.  Labor and delivery was so easy and fast.  Because I was positive for StrepB  I had to be pumped full of antibiotics for 4 hours, but thankfully we had the Olympics to keep us entertained.  Once I had the full dose of antibiotics, I had my epidural put in and then the doctor broke my water, and two hours later the sweetest little baby joined our family.

Tessa Katherine was born at 2:25 pm weighing 7 pounds 13 oz and looking very much like her older brother Sam and her mama.  She is named for her Great Grandmother Katherine who was one of the sweetest Grandmothers one could ever ask for, and for her Aunt Katie, who we know will be one of the greatest influences on this little girl.  

Tessa has not been the easiest newborn, but after Luke, we have been much more prepared for taking care of a baby that cries a lot.  She does have a lot of happy time, and when she is awake she is surrounded by her doting older brothers.  We all love this little girl and are so excited to have a little head to adorn with bows!






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