Joy School

This little man started joy school this week. Every day when we drop Wade off at the school bus, Sam breaks down crying because he wants to go to school, too.  He was so excited when I told him he was starting school as well.  He is going with 3 of his little friends from nursery, just once a week.  Can't believe he's growing up so much.  


Wade had his very first soccer game ever today.  He hasn't been too interested in sports until this year, so we have waited to start him.  Despite never having played or really even seen soccer before, he had a good first game.  About what I expected.  He mostly just followed all the other kids around, pretty clueless.  He did manage to kick the ball twice, which he was so proud of.  This sweet little boy is just not very aggressive.  Hopefully with some more practice he'll get the hang of it.  DSC04447_edited-1

9 months

My little squirt is 9 months old.  He is up to the 45% for weight and 75% for height.  So not quite where his brothers were, but definitely growing.  He is finally starting to inch forward, the exact same way Sam and Wade did.  I can't believe all three have crawled the same way, it's too funny.