The big 2

A few weeks ago this little guy turned the big 2. We had a fun little party and the boy was spoiled with lots of new cars and trucks.  He is growing up so fast and talking so much earlier than his big brother did.  He copies everything we say (which is both cute and educational).  He adores his brother who he calls "Weed" and loves to give loves.  Unfortunately, he is not so fond of eating his dinner.  But we'll still keep him around.   We think he's kind of adorable.birthday

my first ambulance ride

It has been quite crazy at our house the last few weeks.  As you remember from Halloween, Wade got the flu despite having a flu shot.  On Monday, his fever spiked again and he wasn't acting like his normal self so I took him back in to see the doctor.  She immediately tested for pneumonia by checking his oxygen levels....which were too far below normal for a 4 year old.  I obviously didn't understand how serious a situation this was, because I figured they would give us antibiotics and send us on our merry way.

Not how the story went.

Instead, I am sitting there with one sick boy in my 9 month pregnant lap and my two year old getting into everything within or not within reach and laughing, while the doctor proceeds to tell me she has to send Wade in an ambulance to the hospital and that we'll probably stay there for a few days and that I need to call someone to come get Sam.  Did I mention that my husband had boarded a flight 20 minutes earlier and would be gone for the week?  

Luckily, I have lots of family close so I didn't have to worry about Sam.  The doctor was nice enough to play with him in her office until my dad could pick him up.  

I spent the whole ambulance ride trying not to pass out, which is harder than you might think.  Did you know that ambulances are like a million degrees hot inside and so not comfortable for people with huge bellies?  Wade was thrilled with the ride...can't you tell?   

Anyway...after one very sleepless night at Primary Children's Hospital, lots of oxygen, and a healthy dose of antibiotics (and I'm sure a hefty medical bill) we are home and doing much better.  

I am so very thankful for all of the kind doctors and nurses who looked after us and for helping my babe to feel better.  I am also very thankful this has all happened before the new baby comes and that this didn't actually put me into labor.  Oh, and I am thankful that my husband is catching an earlier flight home tomorrow night.  

October 31

Around this house, we have been counting down to Halloween since October 1.  Every morning Wade has asked what day it is, found it on the calendar and counted how many more days until the 31st.  

Unfortunately, earlier this week Wade tested positive for influenza he has not been feeling his best.  But after counting down for 31 days, I just couldn't tell him no trick-or-treating.  So we dressed up in our pirate gear (and sanitized our hands)  and headed down the street.  We only made it up and down one small street, but it sure made one little boy happy.

The pirate
and his parrot
Sam was not as convinced about this whole dressing up thing until he got that first piece of candy in his bucket.  We could not run to the next house fast enough.  At one point, there were two homes in a row where no one was home.  At the second, Sam broke down sobbing saying "trick-or-treat" pointing to the door.  Even though his little bucket got so heavy, he would not let go of it.  I think they had a great time.