
Wade's little cousin, Logan, is obsessed with superheroes. Seriously, the kid could name any superhero you throw at him. So when he comes over to play, naturally he wants to play superheroes. He actually talked Wade into it today. These little guys are the best of buds and I love it.

And speaking of superheroes, I ran 2 miles today in just over 20 minutes. Yes, I think that qualifies me as a least for today. (I know, I still have to make it to 3 miles and only a week left to do it.)


The Easter Bunny came to our house this weekend, oh yes he did. And since my sister is in Germany, he brought enough eggs for my niece and nephews, too.

And don't think he forgot Sam, because oh no, he didn't. Sam went to town on his little biscuits and was in baby heaven.
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Hope all had a very Happy Easter!

My Easter Cuties


It was a little bright outside, and our 3 year old wasn't in the mood to cooperate...little stinker.

Still love these boys.

5 months

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Another month has already disappeared. Sam now rolls over in both directions, and loves to sit up and play with his toys. He still loves that darn fist, which unfortunately comes with lots of drool these days. I still can't get him to eat rice cereal, but he can't get enough sweet potatoes.

I feel slightly sad as I hit another monthly milestone. I just don't have the time to adore Sam the way I did Wade. Time is going SO much faster and he is changing too fast for me to keep up with.


In other news, Wade is finally potty trained....hooray! And he drinks out of regular cups, so he gets to put a check mark next to his new year's resolutions.

Phil also has me training for a 5k next month, which might not sound like a big deal to most of you, but I don't run. At all. I started last week and made it to the end of the street before I almost puked. I had to laugh at myself today, because when I decided to start running, I thought "no big deal, I used to run 6:30 minute miles." Today I realized that the last time I ran a 6:30 minute mile, I was in 6th grade. Yeah, not that fast anymore. At this point, I'm hoping I survive. And yes, I know it's only a 5k.