Lil' Wade

Hi guys. My Mom and Dad took me on vacation to Utah for the past week or so and right now they're getting ready for my Uncle Mark's reception, so I wanted to take a minute to get myself up into the blog world. I'm not very good at baseball yet, and my Dad hasn't told me all the rules, but I sure am excited to play.


Wade met his cousins Jeff, Laird and Lucy for the first time yesterday. We are excited to have family living so close to us for a little while and can't wait to spend time with them this summer. You can't tell from the picture, but Wade is two months younger than Lucy and at least 3 pounds heavier!


My company does an 'IMPACT Day' once a year where they give us a day away from the office to go give a day of service to the community. Wade wanted to come, but I told him he was too young. His Mom put him in his Deloitte shirt to make him feel better about not going.