This is the monument to our old President Abraham Lincoln erected at the supposed spot where he gave the infamous Gettysburg Address so many years ago. We went and saw the field and area where that battle took place, and had a personal tour from one of the rangers. It was amazing how so many things fell into place to make things happen the way they did. If one of the groups of troops had been even 10 minutes late, everything probably would have been different.
While here, Ric and I went to the driving range and he gave me a few pointers on how to swing, so now I think I would have a better time competing with Dad and H on the course. We'll have to set a rematch at some point, now that I have my clubs.
I have been in Chicago since we took this picture, which was 6 days ago. This will be the longest time Jen and I have been apart since we met in Provo a couple of years ago. Thanks to a video camera we have at our house I can see and talk to her, but she cannot see me. If I were traveling more often, I'd want to get one of those webcams, but I think this will be an isolated incident. I'm now on a different project than before, and report to the Department of Defense, so the hours aren't quite as extreme. I'm doing more preparatory work for an Audit than an actual audit, which helps as well. So, we'll see how things go in the near future.
A friend of mine is getting married. For more information, please click http://www.sethandheidi.com/default.aspx